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Vendor Management and Request For Proposal (RFP) Process

Course Description

Selecting the right vendor and vendor solution is crucial for businesses. Since vendors are not under your organization’s control, there is inherent risk in selecting and maintaining vendor services and solutions.

This course takes you through steps to avoid the issues and risks around the RFP Process and helps you determine what deliverables need to be included in the RFP and how to develop those deliverables. The workshops will provide practice and feedback on those deliverables and set you up for success on your next RFP project.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the reason behind issuing a Request For Proposal
  • Determine the requirements and level of detail necessary to include in the RFP
  • Prioritize the requirements
  • Develop a schedule for the RFP
  • Send the RFP to vendors
  • Evaluate responses to the RFP
  • Select the appropriate vendor

Intended Audience

This course is designed for project managers and business analysts involved in the vendor and product selection process.


We recommend that the student has already attended our Essential Skills for Business Analysis class or have equivalent experience before enrolling for this course.


Course Details


2 Days

Delivery Mode

Virtual, Face-to-Face


Public Classes

Currently, we don't have any public sessions of this course scheduled. Please let us know if you are interested in adding a session.

See Public Class Schedule

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