Coaching and Mentoring

Leverage Your Talent

Our focus on training solutions extends far beyond the classroom.  Through post-class mentoring and coaching, we can reinforce and implement knowledge that was transferred during training. This can improve the rate at which a team adopts new approaches and becomes autonomous. Additionally, our mentoring and coaching services are available outside of a training program for those who just need some guidance. 

While coaching and mentoring fall into the same family of training services, they have distinct differences. B2T can provide both.

Experience is used to...


Methodology of interpersonal learning where a professional with technical knowledge and experience (of success and failure) in the same area as the mentee transmits advice, knowledge, strategies, guidelines, network of contacts, or information of trust and effective communication. 

To achieve this, the mentor must encourage assimilation through a relationship of trust and effective communication.

The mentor should only assist in those areas in which they have more experience and knowledge than the person being mentored.


Non-directive, creative, and reflective process between a coach and professional who wants to maximize thier personal and professional potential to achieve their goals.

Maximizes awareness, empowerment, and responsibility levels in the process. 

The coach understands that the “player” is the expert in their personal and professional life, how to be creative, complete and with the resources to reach their goals.

Skills are used to overcome...

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