The Five Whys
All too often projects address the symptoms of a problem and not the problem itself. The “Five Whys” is a root cause analysis method that explores the underlying causes of a problem. Its mission is to ensure that the real “root” cause of a problem is identified by successively asking the question “Why?”
Is there some magic about the number five? No. It comes from anecdotal observation that asking “why” five times is usually sufficient for revealing the root cause. In some cases it may take more or fewer whys. Keep asking until you identify the source of the problem. You’ll know you’ve reached the root cause when a solution to that particular item will resolve the original problem. In other words, if we fix this item, our problem will go away.
This Five Whys Template provides a way for you to guide and capture conversations so you increase the likelihood that you’re focusing on the real problem and not just a symptom.