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Structure Your Thinking: The Pre‑Interview Interview Hack

Who hasn’t interviewed or been interviewed at least once in your life? I would be surprised if there is anyone in the world over the age of two that hasn’t been a party to this technique!  It’s actually so common that it may seem there is nothing new to discuss about an interview, but interviewing […]

4 Techniques to Break Down Communication Roadblocks and Impact Change

I bet we share some of the same experiences with bad communication. I bet you’ve been in a meeting for a project that you have been working on closely and heard something for the very first time that others in the room have known for days, weeks, or maybe even months. How did you miss […]

Project Context is King: Stop, Organize, Think and Confirm

project context

When you ask an analytical person a question, you will rarely get an answer. Instead, their response will likely be in the form of another question. Why is this? Answers depend on context. Context refers to the framework of a situation or event. Even a simple conversation requires context to be understood. Consider this dialogue: […]

7 Habits of a Highly Effective BA

effective ba

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there were two Business Analysts that wondered how they could be more than average. They wondered what habits they needed to become highly effective and how they could help others become highly effective. They thought and they planned. They collaborated and communicated across their time […]

Take the Trip: Digital Customer Journey Mapping

digital customer journey

As customer experiences become more and more digital, we have to change how we interact. For most organizations, the days of winning over a customer face-to-face with a hand shake and a smile are over. Digital customers are the new norm and are transacting with us all over the world, 24/7, independent of a sales […]