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Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement

Course Description

Stakeholder analysis is the activity of identifying those groups or individuals who may be affected by an initiative or who share a common business need and analyzing them to determine the impact for each stakeholder and an appropriate communication plan to ensure the project solution is delivered and accepted.  Stakeholder engagement is the process of getting stakeholders effectively involved and actively participating in a project and the project’s activities.

This class teaches students to consider all of the stakeholder characteristics before deciding on appropriate deliverables and producing an analysis work plan. Developing a stakeholder management plan will prevent major problems by ensuring that all of the appropriate stakeholders are involved, their roles are clear and they will be involved with requirements analysis and presentations using the most effective communication or team approaches.

During class students are presented the Stakeholder Analysis Worksheet and are given guidelines for their stakeholder analysis and engagement efforts.  Students discuss ways that stakeholders could participate, conditions and considerations for their participation, and strategies for engaging and managing stakeholders throughout the project.

Learning Objectives

  • Define the steps in Stakeholder Analysis
  • Identify all stakeholders impacted by a project
  • Assess concerns for each stakeholder
  • Identify power/influence, interest, and characteristics of stakeholders
  • Develop a communication plan for each stakeholder based on their needs and unique characteristics
  • Determining best way to engage and manage stakeholders

Intended Audience

This course is designed for business analysts, product owners, project managers, program or portfolio managers or any other business partner or project team member involved with performing stakeholder analysis, or charged with engaging stakeholders in their projects. This course may also be appropriate for individuals who manage business analysts and need a more in-depth understanding of the process and skill set that would be helpful for ensuring effective business analysis and team collaboration.




Course Details


1 Day

Delivery Mode

Virtual, Face-to-Face


Public Classes

Currently, we don't have any public sessions of this course scheduled. Please let us know if you are interested in adding a session.

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